All projects + everything projects taught me.
![Screen Shot 2018-04-15 at 8.47.19 PM.png](
Inspired by a late night conversation with a friend, we wanted to answer: would brands pay money to gain access to consumers who would otherwise unsubscribe from their marketing emails.
Are consumers who want to unsubscribe even valuable enough to pay to retain?
No. Only one signup out of about 50 signups had an Amazon purchase receipt email in the most recent 1,000 Amazon emails. That one receipt was for a total purchase value of $25.01.
Other Lessons learned
- Consumers wanting to unsubscribe to emails do not want to receive any emails (Sent about 50 survey requests to email signups; only 1 responded and asked to not be emailed again.)
- Offering to pay consumers to block emails yielded 5.45% avg. CTR in Adwords, with some keywords spiking to over 11%. That's almost 3x the average benchmark.
- Defaults are incredibly powerful. 72% of fully onboarded users stuck with the default price.
- Mobile's a thing (duh). 87-94% of impressions and clicks were on mobile.
- Once started, must finish. 100% of signups who completed onboarding step #1 completed step #2.
How we answered the question
- Designed brand identity (name, logo, mock UI)
- Designed and created a landing page (ERB, Ruby, Sinatra, Bootstrap, Github, Heroku)
- Designed and created a 2-step onboarding UI to collect what brands the consumer wanted to "unsubscribe" from and how much money the consumer wanted to be paid to receive marketing emails
- Drove traffic using Adwords
- Logged all email signups and onboarding steps to Google spreadsheet via API
- Built Google OAuth to request email readonly permissions + script to fetch most recent 1,000 Amazon purchase emails and calculate total amount spent and avg. purchase